
Pushups are more than a just a simple exercise that people use for warmups before
a workout or a cool down after a workout, if pushups are done regularly you can build
a great deal of strength throughout the whole body.

You will find that the pushup can be a very physically demanding exercise, if done
the right way they can build a tremendous amount of explosive strength.

People think that the only and right way of doing pushups is do them slow, if
you want to be slow train them slow, if you want speed do them as fast and as
explosive as you can.


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Some people can do 100 pushups in a row, but if you tried to do 100 pushups then
jumped up and did 10 pullups how would you feel, could you complete it, now we
will do the same amount of pushups and pullups but we will change it around a little
bit, do 10 pushups, jump up and do 1 pullup, continue this for 10 sets, no rest
until all 10 sets are completed.

If you want to build explosive strength try these types of pushups:

The explosive atlas pushup: This pushup is done between 2 chairs or stools, put
your hands on the chairs or stools, keep your feet on the floor, dip down between
the 2 chairs until your chest is just below the chairs, now from the bottom position
explode up as fast and as hard as you can bringing your hands off the chair, then
come back down, landing on the chairs. Repeat this for as many times as you can.


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This pushup can be made harder by coming up from the bottom position and touching
both hands to your chest and back to the chair.

The 3 position explosive pushups: These pushups are 3 pushups in one, the hands close
together, hands shoulder width, hands spaced wide.

Start this pushup with the hands under your chest, do a pushup, explode up bringing
your hands off the ground and spreading your hands shoulder width apart, do another
pushup, explode up bringing your hands off the ground and placing them outside your

Once you complete all three pushups this is 1 completed pushup, now reverse the order
you just did them. Wide, shoulder width, close ( under you chest) continue until you do
10 reps or you can jump back to the starting position ( wide to close) as long as you don't
stop moving,there is no rest.

If you want to make this harder put your feet on a bench or chair. so your jumping from one
pushup to another changing the spacing of your hands in one movement, these are demanding
but will give you explosive power.

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